Achieve your teaching goals with WebAssign for Liberal Arts Math and Quantitative Reasoning by delivering a curated learning experience that keeps pace with curriculum trends and needs. You can use these questions to craft your ideal assignment and learning experience for students.
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Unique learning questions are signified in WebAssign in the question name with a distinct abbreviations (ex .EP) and are distributed throughout each chapter and section. You can search the abbreviation in the Question Browser to find these questions types to use in an assignment. If you need any help finding questions for your assignment, contact your Cengage Sales Representative.
Content Available for Liberal Arts Math & Quantitative Reasoning

NEW! Learn It modules
An additional resource within questions, Learn Its provide targeted instruction and practice on that topic using narrative, videos, and tutorials—all in one place. Available for all titles.
You can find Learn Its by navigating to the Question Search within the Question Browser for your title. Then in the search criteria, find the box labeled ‘Comment’ and write ‘Learn It’. Then, click the search button at the bottom to see the results. Available for all titles.

Math in Practice Exercises (MIP)
These exercises expand on chapter learning objectives with real-world, applicable situations students can relate to in their daily lives, or their intended career tracks.
Available for Aufmann, Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2e & corequisite version.

Responsive Labs (Lab)
Personalized application problems provide learners with the skills to think about and use the mathematics they are learning in various ways outside the classroom.
Available for the following titles and corequisite versions: Aufmann, Mathematical Excursions, 4e | Aufmann, Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2e |Smith, The Nature of Mathematics, 13e | Smith, Mathematics: Its Power and Utility, 10e | Bello, Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, 10e | Johnson/Mowry, Mathematics: A Practical Odyssey, 8e

Expanded Problems (EP)
Expanded Problems enhance student understanding by going beyond a basic exercise and asking students to solve each step of the problem in addition to their final answer.
Available for the following titles and corequisite versions: Aufmann, Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2e |Smith, The Nature of Mathematics, 13e | Smith, Mathematics: Its Power and Utility, 10e | Johnson/Mowry, Mathematics: A Practical Odyssey, 8e

Master It Tutorials (MI)
Students gain a deeper understanding of how to solve problems with step-by-step support provided by Master It (MI) tutorials available in select exercises. These tutorials are also available to be assigned as a standalone exercise (MI.SA)
Available for the following titles and corequisite versions: Aufmann, Mathematical Excursions, 4e | Aufmann, Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2e | Bello, Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, 10e;

Projects (PJT)
Projects provide one place for students to ideate, collaborate, and submit a longer-term project. These are broken up into four milestones to allow students to complete a semester-long project.
Available for Aufmann, Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2e & corequisite version.

Preliminary Questions (P)
Preliminary Questions provide an opportunity to test students’ understanding of concepts by working an exercise closely related to an example in the section.
Available for Aufmann, Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2e & corequisite version.
Watch Its
Students get just-in-time learning support with Watch It videos that contain narrated and closed-captioned videos walking students through the proper steps to solve a similar problem. Watch Its can be found by viewing the question in the question browser. If the ‘Watch It’ icon appears, the question has a Watch It.
Available for all titles
Video Example Questions (VE)
Ensure your students’ understanding of concepts with Video Examples, which provide embedded videos paired with follow-up questions.
Available for Aufmann, Mathematical Excursions, 4e & corequisite version