With the pace of change, you don’t stand still and neither do we! To ensure you and your students are getting the most out of your WebAssign experience, upgrade your teaching by using new platform features, deploying new content available in your current course, and the newest edition of your title.
Time Accommodations | Coming in 2025
Support students who require extended time with a new way to grant more time to one or more students – that will apply to all timed assignments.
Redesigned Extensions | Coming in 2025
Easily manage student requests with a redesigned extensions page, allowing you to quickly adjust due dates, grant early access to assignments, provide extra attempts and give bulk extensions to multiple students or assignments.
Respondus Monitor | Fall 2025
Alleviate cheating concerns with Respondus Monitor, coming soon to WebAssign. This optional, proctoring solution lets you record students via webcam during exams and provides video analytics. Learn More
New Instructor Experience | Available Now
Save time finding pages and features or creating assignments with a newly redesigned navigation and Assignment Editor. Learn More
You no longer need to wait for a new edition of your title to access fresh or updated assignment content, questions and resources for your course. New digital content is released each semester to support the unique learning needs of each course. Explore some of the latest releases below and note that these impact the latest title editions only.
Physics & Astronomy
Digital Workbook Problems
Digital Workbook problems combine narrative and assessment elements as part of a singular learning activity in WebAssign with a variety of media types with assessments and introductions.
*Available for An Introduction to Physical Science, 15e (Shipman/Wilson/ Higgins/Torres) , College Physics, (Serway) and can be added to any course.
New & Updated Virtual Astronomy Labs
A set of interactive experiences that combine analysis of real astronomical data with robust simulations to provide a true online laboratory experience for your introductory astronomy course.
*Available to add to any Astronomy course.
Developmental Math
Learn It Modules
A resource within questions, Learn Its offer targeted instruction and practice with narrative, videos and tutorials—all in one place. Learn More.
*Available or coming soon to most Cengage Developmental Math & Math Corequisite titles
Scaffolded Course Packs
These Course Packs are a set of pre-built assignments that are built to make scaffolding easier. The assignments enable students to build skills in a structured way through a steady lessening of support and a subtle increase in complexity. Learn More
Textbook Course Packs
We’ve added Course Packs to more titles, which offer a set of pre-built assignments mapped to learning objectives for all of your course needs. Learn More.
Newly available for Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (Tussy/Gustafson) | Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Algebra within Reach (Larson) | Intermediate Algebra: Algebra within Reach (Larson) | Elementary Algebra: Algebra within Reach (Larson) | Intermediate Algebra: Connecting Concepts Through Applications (Clark/Anfinson) | Intermediate Algebra, 5th Edition (Tussy) | Elementary Algebra, 5th Edition (Tussy)
New Course Pack & Questions
Set up your Biostatistics course more easily with a set of pre-built assignments, also known as Course Packs.
SALT Upgrades: Determine How SALT Appears in Assignments
New for fall, you can decide how you want SALT to appear in your assignments, including the ability to turn the tool off. Learn More
*Available for most Cengage Intro Statistics titles
New Course Pack
Create your course more easily with a set of pre-built assignments, also known as Course Packs.
*Available for Wackerly, Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 7e
Common Error Assistance
This feature will automatically assess student responses for common format and syntax errors and provide helpful assistance within the question. Learn More
*Available for Utts, Mind on Statistics, 6e , Rosner, Biostatistics and Devore, Probability and Statistics, 7e.
Chapter Quiz Questions
Chapter Quiz questions in each chapter encourage students to test and apply what they have learned in each chapter. Learn More
Available for the following titles: Das, Principles of Geotechnical Engineering 10e | Reisel, Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics 2e
Watch It Videos
New Watch It videos are added to questions to provide step-by-step instruction using short, engaging videos that are ideal for visual learners.
Added to the following titles: Glover, Power System Analysis and Design, 7e| Logan, A First Course in the Finite Element Method Enhanced Edition, 6e, | Striebig, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Design, 2e
Applied Calculus
Common Error Assistance
This feature will automatically assess student responses for common format and syntax errors and provide helpful assistance within the question. Learn More
Available for Tan’s Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences 7e |
Harshbarger’s Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, 12e
Liberal Arts Math
Learn It Modules
A resource within questions, Learn Its offer targeted instruction and practice with narrative, videos and tutorials—all in one place. Learn More.
*Available or coming soon to most Cengage Liberal Arts Mathematics titles
New Textbooks
Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, 13th edition
Emil J. Slowinski, Wayne C. Wolsey, and Robert C. Rossi
Available Now
Applied Calculus and Finite Math
College Algebra, Trigonometry & Precalculus
OpenStax Algebra & Trigonometry, 2nd Edition
Jay Abramson, Valeree Falduto, Rachael Gross, David Lippman, Melonie Rasmussen, Rick Norwood, Nicholas Belloit, Harold Whipple, Jean-Marie Magnier, and Christina Fernandez
Available Now
OpenStax College Algebra, 2nd Edition
Jay Abramson, Valeree Falduto, Rachael Gross, David Lippman, Melonie Rasmussen, Rick Norwood, Nicholas Belloit, Harold Whipple, Jean-Marie Magnier, and Christina Fernandez
Available Now
Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 8th edition
James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson
Available Now
WebAssign for OpenStax Precalculus, 2nd Edition
Jay Abramson, Valeree Falduto, Rachael Gross, David Lippman, Melonie Rasmussen, Rick Norwood, Nicholas Belloit, Harold Whipple, Jean-Marie Magnier, and Christina Fernandez
Available Now
Developmental Math
Mathematics: Journey from Basic Mathematics through Intermediate Algebra, 2nd Edition
Richard N. Aufmann & Joanne Lockwood
Available Now
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 6th Edition
Alan S. Tussy & R. David Gustafson
Available Now
Quantitative Reasoning
Discovering Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach, 2nd Edition
Richard N. Aufmann
Available Now
OpenStax College Physics, 2nd edition
Paul Urone, Roger Hinrichs, Kim Dirks, Manjula Sharma, Kenneth Podolak, and Henry Smith
Available Now
Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Design, 2nd Edition
Bradley A. Striebig, Adebayo A. Ogundipe, Maria Papadakis, Lauren Heine
Available Now
Power System Analysis and Design, 7th Edition
Duncan J. Glover, Thomas J. Overbye, Mulukutia S. Sarma, Adam B. Birchfield
Available Now
Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions, 11th edition
Anna M. Curren and Margaret H. Witt
Available Spring 2024