Creating a course in WebAssign is easy and takes only a few minutes. WebAssign’s flexible platform supports all course designs and can manage any class size with ease.
Single-Section Classes
If you’re using WebAssign for a single course, course creation is a one-time, one-step process. When you’re ready to teach that course again, our Course Copy functionality lets you automatically recreate that course by simply updating a few parameters.
Multiple-Section Classes
WebAssign is also ideal for instructors teaching multiple sections of the same course and for course coordinators managing numerous sections with different instructors.
WebAssign supports classes with multiple sections in the following ways:
- A master section can be created and then instantly copied to multiple sections using our unique Course Copy functionality.
- Course coordinators can view all sections, while section instructors have access only to their assigned sections.
- Multi-section courses can share announcements and forums, or you can keep each section separate.
- You can download the grades for each section individually or for all sections at one time.
- If students switch sections, it’s easy to transfer their work and grades within WebAssign.
Course Sharing
As the course instructor, you can decide which other instructors at your institution can have administrative access to your WebAssign course. You can choose to grant specific privileges depending on their role. This feature makes it easy to manage teaching assistants, and greatly simplifies team teaching strategies.
Course Rostering
You can choose to upload your roster directly into WebAssign or allow students to self-enroll.
Course Calendar
One of WebAssign’s convenient features is a user-friendly calendar for both instructors and students. Easily see all upcoming assignments and tests, for all your courses or only one at a time. Both instructors and students can also add events to the calendar that are marked as private.
Learn more about course features in our Instructor Help.